As a consultant

  • Perl and C, XS libraries for the “SENTINELLE” cryptosystem managing VPNs, secure relays, proxies, certificates, ciphered mails ... sold to NATO ( SAGEM – ERAGNY, FRANCE)
  • A card explorer in C++, allowing to explore an ISO-7816 smartcard with a windows 'explorer' look-and-feel. (MOTOROLA- FRANCE)
  • A card personalization system entirely developed from scratch with PERL, acting as a web server and following EMV/CPS specifications. (OBERTHUR CARD SYSTEM, FRANCE)
  • A set of tools with GUI allowing running smartcard scripts. C++. (OBERTHUR CARD SYSTEM, FRANCE)
  • Javacard Cryptography libraries for RSA and CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem)
  • Modification/debug of a javacard applet B0/B0' into a swiss-compliant banking application for EMV migration of POSTFINANCE (BERN, SWITZERLAND). (OBERTHUR CARD SYSTEM, FRANCE)
  • A hardware lab test tool card reader to test the T=0 and the T=1 protocols for the Gemplus cards. Using FPGA programming, RTOS, QNX, C++, DMA, SDL models for T=1 protocol (Gemplus FRANCE)
  • A biometric personalization system for the French national ID smartcard, developed in C++/winapi. ( smartcard + graphical+Fargo coupler/printer) (THALES, FRANCE)
  • An automatic test framework in perl and java for the JAVACARD libraries
  • SECCOS Card Operating System ( project leader, very big project ) - using automatic test generations, rhapsody to generate C from UML, specifications repository. C/C++, Visual Studio. Common Criteria.
  • Brain Computer Interface. Experimental Hardware and Software to contact brain-based control to a PC. ALTERA, NIOS, FPGA, C++. Mathematics, Classifiers
  • WebWatcher. Software allowing filtering internet navigation using classifiers and hardware based
  • Metamatch. A morphogenetic biometric algorithm . Based on a physico-mathematical model of the fingerprints. JAVA, Matlab.

As an outsourcer (SCD - Scientific and Computer Development Ltd)

(+Many more projects ...)

As a teacher in I.P.C.S.T ( Institut de Préparation aux Concours Scientifiques et Techniques)

Example of online lessons:

  • Fluid mechanics, Classical physics
  • Monte-Carlo methods
  • Undergraduate math

Example of computer lessons (Projects were taught so that students could learn programming):