Expert Technologist

1991-1995: study Mathematics and science in prepa schools & university, Paris
1995-1996: preparation of French elite school “Ecole Normale Superieure” Paris ULM
1997: study econometrics at faculty of Nanterre , France
1998-2000: student of ENSAE, French school of statistics. Entry by Math test , rank 15/40.

: various projects through French software services companies & as an independent expert and consultant. Work for the following blue chips: SAGEM, Motorola, Oberthur CS, Thales, Gemplus, Axalto, Gisiecke und Devriend (Munich). Projects are very challenging and involves smartcartd technology, EMV migration, embedded systems, security and cryptography.

2005: design SECCOS – a full smartcard operating System.

2006-2009: founder of a French company acting in smart cards and secure systems. Scientific projects involving complex math.

create SCD – scientific and Computer Development, an outsourcing company developing various projects involving C, C++, C#, windows libraries. Also, smartcards, reverse-engineering... act as main project leader and developer.

2015-2019: development of esilverpay, a worldwide transaction system using precious metals and cryptocurrencies. Development of servers and POS/EFT operating systems.

Very good and efficient developer in C++ and C#.

wrote the book “Theorems and Problems in Functional Analysis – The Answer Book”, around 2,000 pp

Languages: French(native), English(very good), Russian(good), Spanish(Average)